We went to Somerset to get away from it all after Easter. The green, misty views were refreshing (for which read 'unbroken rain'!) and a bright spot of the trip was going to the "Rainbow's End" cafe in Glastonbury, a fantastic vegetarian cafe. It gave me lots of inspiration to cook fantastic recipes with our vegetables this year.
Rainbow's End
Now we are back, it feels as if all the allotment tasks have hit at once.
Both our allotments have cultivation notices. The main problem seems to stem from the bleak midwinter timing of the inspection, plus our lack of concern about size of yield. Although we are cultivating all our space, it is combining a grass lawn with flowers, a herb patch with lavender, a strawberry patch with a wendy house. Really it is a productive garden to us, not a farm.
It seems this is not really enough for the inspectors, so we had better dig up some more of the space I suppose. We are keeping the place tidy to our eyes, but maybe others have higher standards?
It is so depressing to have looked forward to crops that take a couple of years to establish, only to be told that is not enough. The council's own guide says we should be toleratnt of people's own use of the land, be it a garden or a children's play area, but times seem to be a changing....
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