Sunday, 12 July 2009

Hampton Court Flower Show 2009 Part 1

WOW. This is the third year that I have been to Hampton Court, and I just love it more each year. It's just so full of inspiration and ideas.

Allotment July 5th 020

The growing tastes area was a great mix of exhibition plants and suppliers of seed and edible plants. The girls really enjoyed the children's part of it, with sand.

Allotment July 5th 018

This picture doesn't look too impressive unless you know that the cabbages were bigger than beach balls. Giant veg aside, there were some lovely inspirational allotment gardens.

Allotment July 5th 023

All very nice to see what the world would be like if there were no weeds, no insects and no stunted vegetables, but actually I prefer the real world, where there is more challenge.

Allotment July 5th 031

I just can't wait to get back to the plot to see my own little corner of the horticultural world, but with more motivation.

Allotment July 5th 106

New ideas to put into the allotment were as follows:

  • Amaranth as an edible and ornamental plant.
  • Growing squash and courgettes over a frame like an archway or pegola.

Allotment July 5th 034

Will post more tomorrow on the ornamental and garden theme.

1 comment:

  1. I love the seat with the box of apples, in fact I would love that box. I have a collection of wooden boxes,scrounged from wine shops, garden centres etc. I had to pay for the 'hairy pot company' one from a garden centre the other week, but I love it.
